Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Podcast2: "Drinking Age Debate"

This podcast discusses the current drinking laws with guests, John McCardell and Lauren D. Moody, on the Drinking Age Debate episode of WNYC program, The Brian Lehrer Show. John McCardell is the former president of Middlebury College and one of the 12o liberal arts colleges that has signed the Amethyst Initiative, a movement calling for the reconsideration of U.S. drinking age laws. Lauren Moody is the president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

McCardell is in favor of lowering the drinking age. He discusses the ineffectiveness of the current drinking law and the Amethyst Initiative's effort to reconsider the current drinking laws and lowering them to 18 years old.

Moody is in favor of keeping the current drinking age of 21. Moody states the precedenting need to create stronger reinforcment of current drinking laws. Moody says that alcohol is not a responsibilty/privelage issue but rather a "public health issue."

1 comment:

Hunter said...

I think that this podcast was a great one to listen to because it gives you both arguments of the issue. One side wants to lower the drinking age to 18, one wants to keep the drinking age at 21.