Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Thoughts...

President L. Baird Tipson of Washington College writes about his favorable position on lowering the legal drinking age to 18. Mr. Tipson calls the current system of a legal age of 21 years old as being a "culture of clandestine drinking." Having alcohol be a forbidden item, students will drink excessively at the beginning of an evening, rather than responsibly drink throughout the evening. The current system does not foster responsible drinking habitats. Alcohol is a component in student and adult socializing. By putting a 21-year old drinking age, alcohol has a certain "seductive mystique," as Tipson puts it. This mystique would lack if responsible alcohol consumption was part of the norm.

1 comment:

Hunter said...

I think that this has to do with the college post as well. It's the same idea, since there is a law it makes more people that aren't at age drink it not responsibly.